I absolutely love this time of year. Fall is my favorite season and today, we went to an orchard to pick up some apples. I wore my sandals, so we didn't actually pick them, but just getting out in this beautiful weather was nice. We went to an orchard in the area and picked up just a few apples. There are just two of us, so we don't use too many. I got my galas, that I love and Leon got some just picked - winesaps. Unfortunately the winesaps are a bit on the tart side, so we will probably do an apple crisp or something. The galas are the perfect size for me - I like a smaller apple and these are just perfect. After we left the orchard, we went to a farm market where we go once a year or so, that has a rather unique inventory. Lots of bulk type foods and mixes. I got a homemade pretzel mix that I am going to try tomorrow. I will be sure and take a picture and share my success or failure. They have a little ice cream counter, so we got a pumpkin pie ice cream cone. Love that pumpkin!!! The good thing about pumpkin is that is is healthy with lots of fiber and low fat. I only had one dip, but I must say that although it was very good, it does not stack up to UDF pumpkin pie ice cream. I haven't had UDF yet this year, maybe next weekend! I think I will always miss the autumn drives that we used to take in Michigan before we moved here; but we are working on starting our traditions here as well.
I rearranged my fall centerpiece by removing the smallest candle and adding a couple of gourds. I think I like it better. What do you think.
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