Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Art of Racing in the Rain

I just finished another book, which I have reviewed on This book touched my heart and reminded me of our Molly, that we lost in March. It gave me another way of understanding her time with us, and her purpose in our lives. Very thought provoking - Dog lovers say they cannot read dog stories that are sad. I understand, but this one is so unique and has such a message. I recommend it! Here is my review......

The Art of Racing in the Rain The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein

My review

rating: 4 of 5 stars
I am not a race car fan and I am not a dog lover, but I loved a dog. This book was an amazing story of a dog and his master. It was a wonderful book and the parallels drawn by the author between the races that Denny participated in and the ultimate race of his life were true and genuine. I was struck by two main issues in this book. First was, as just mentioned, the author's apt correlations between the psychology of driving a race car; and of fighting for the important issues of your life. The second issue that really felt very personal to me, was the idea that once Enzo (the dog), had achieved his purpose in life, that his time to die became a matter of nature. Enzo's philosophy was that he would not die until his purpose had been achieved and once Denny had finished the "personal race of his life", Enzo was able to let go and pass on.

The beginning of the book was a little slow going for me until I got into the feel of the idea of Enzo's narration and the idea that dogs really can reason. The book does nothing but get better and the last third of the book is absolutely spellbinding. My comment to the author would be "I get it!!"

View all my reviews.

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