Sunday, March 22, 2009


It has been a while since I have blogged, so I wanted to check in. I will not be blogging again until after Easter. I am working on a Lenten project and it takes most of my computer time. But I have all kinds of ideas and pictures to share when I pick it up again. So please hang in there and I'll be back soon. In the meantime, two very special people in my life.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

A featured blog

*photos by "Hula Seventy"

I have so many blogs that I visit on a regular basis. Everytime I get a new interest, I find new blogs about it. Well, I came upon a fun blog the other day and wanted to share it with you. Another artist who just has fun with life and sees such beauty in everyday things. I think that is what charms me the most and endears a particular blog to me. Someone who is able to see beauty in everyday life and talk about it. Anyhow, I happened on to Hula Seventy through another blog that I visit and was enchanted by her spirit and her love of art, color, life and so many other things. Her writing is fun, direct, inspiring. Put her on your list of favorites. I will be checking in from time to time to see her talent. I have included a couple of her photographs. Oh, I forgot, her name is Andrea

It occurs to me that really we are all artists, some of us do it on paper, cloth, clay and assorted medium, while others see art. The lucky ones can do both!! When you can see art, recognize it and then execute it, I believe then you are one of the lucky ones. Art is pictures, paintings, writing, sculpture, dance and so much more. Art is really the world.

Friday, March 6, 2009

My Friends Church

Thought you might be interested in a very special church. It is one of a kind and it will warm you and envelope you like no other church. The light through the beautiful windows allows for contemplation and meditation, in a beautiful aura of softness. The bell in the steeple will call you for services and announce the hour of the day. The snow on the roof of this very special church adds a charm all it's own. God is truly there, I do believe. So step right in and enjoy the ambience.

This church that I speak of was made by my friend, Katie. It is a work of love, done for her sister, and I was privileged to see it prior to the great presentation.

Again, I am amazed at the absolute unending ways of expressing ourselves through art. This creation was made with card stock, miscellaneous trims, and glitter snow. Pretty amazing!!! Great job, Katie!!!!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

The Columbus Zoo

I was reading the Sunday paper this morning and happened to read an article about how the Columbus Zoo is the #1 zoo in the nation. I tried to find the same article on the newspaper web site, but apparently it was not an article that got to both venues. I was hoping to link you up with the article. Anyhow, It just so happens that I got a Columbus Zoo membership for Christmas and am very proud to be a member. We have only been to the zoo once since Christmas, due to the weather, but plan to get there several times this spring, summer and fall. I think the weather should start shaping up pretty soon. I did find a link to a description and write up of the zoo. It says that it is a renowned zoo, but didn't give the #1 designation.

And of course, there is dear Jack Hanna. What a character! Such energy and personality. He is such fun to listen too. I caught him on the radio one morning plugging the wildlights display during the holidays and I was laughing out loud by the time I got to work. He is a very big part of our zoo and I am proud of that as well. He is a wonderful representative for our very wonderful zoo. I got some pictures from Flickr to share. Thanks to the wonderful photographers.