Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Am I right brained or left brained?

I have, of late, been interested in brain function in terms of logic vs. creativity. As I enjoy some of the arts and music venues, genres, media, etc. I wonder if my brain is dominant one way or the other. I love crafts, putting colors together, inventing new ways to look at objects, how they are used, etc. I want to weave, knit, draw, crochet, paint, sew, sculpt, garden, cook, you name it. I really do love it all. My all time favorite activity is Pinterest and seeing the absolute amazing take on creativity, by folks that are highly right brained. I love music and feel that it has such a large impact on our mood and feeling of well being. One of the questions on the later mentioned quiz that I took was "Are you musically inclined?" for example. I did not know what to answer. I love music, I can carry a tune and I took piano lessons, but I am not sure that I am musically inclined.

On the other hand, I work at a very detailed, number oriented job and do get satisfaction from the detailed logic oriented career that I sort of fell into. There is something satisfying about making sure "that number" is in the right place and that it allows for the rest of the logic to fall into place. It is satisfying when I find the broken link in a process that I can fix and then the process starts again. The left brained people in the world build tools and processes for the right brained people in the world (although the rights may transform them into something different). We need both kinds of people - we are symbiotic.

With the above said, I found an online quiz to determine which brain side is used more. First of all, I must say that the online quiz is only a small and possibly not very accurate tool, but this is just for fun, right? I had an idea of what I might find in my own answers and although I was a bit disappointed, it very much spoke to the first two paragraphs above. I expected to be more right brained (creative) and although that was borne out in the results, it was just barely. The fact is that I am very much dual brained, leaning only slightly to the right. Here are my results.
Right Brain/ Left Brain Quiz
The higher of these two numbers below indicates which side of your brain has dominance in your life. Realising your right brain/left brain tendancy will help you interact with and to understand others.
Left Brain Dominance: 7(7)
Right Brain Dominance: 8(8)
Right Brain/ Left Brain Quiz