Sunday, November 28, 2010

I really hate to peel potatoes

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving, with all the trimmings and everyone was able to be here. It was delightful!! Games and little ones, football, pumpkin pie and lots of noise. It all goes with the territory, I guess. Unfortunately I did not get pictures of the meal or the guests or the fun afterwards, but I did get this picture of the potato peeling duty. Who would have thought that potatoes would be more interesting than the people and other Thanksgiving delights. Well, really they are not more interesting, but I did realize why I really am not fond of peeling potatoes.

What easier task in the kitchen than peeling a potato. Not difficult at all, right? Similar in difficulty to washing a dish, oiling a pan, chopping an onion, making a sandwich and many many other things. All of these other things are things which I do routinely and don't even think about, but peeling potatoes is a job which I just really do not care for. I never even thought about it before this weekend. It was like one of those things that I am sort of aware of, but just have never articulated or taken the time to give much thought to why that is.

However as I was peeling potatoes this year, it became clear to me that this dislike comes of the nightly ritual of peeling potatoes in my childhood, many years ago. We never had rice or noodles or other starchy products. It was always potatoes and guess who got to peel them. Yep, me!!! We had potatoes every night and I peeled them every night. So although they are not difficult to do, there is a certain trigger that goes off each time we decide to have potatoes that comes from many years ago. I might mention that my dad, who raised me, was very particular about how I peeled the potatoes. So it really became a job that I did not look forward to. However one positive thing remains -----I just love mashed potatoes!!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

I'm baaa-aaack - with snowmen quilt

Boy, has it been a long time since I blogged. I just spent a couple of days with my sister and we were talking about blogging. I decided I was really more involved with life when I was blogging- experiencing, taking pictures, cooking, on and on. So though I did get a bit burned out on it, I am now back. I think I got to a point where I didn't think anyone was reading it, so I just kind of lost interest. But here is what I say to that.... OH WELL!. I am doing this for me!!

Don't get me wrong, I know my family is reading and that is important to me. Please send me a comment if you are. But I am blogging for my own satisfaction and because it is just plain FUN!!

I have a project to share that I just finished. I started this quilt probably two years ago and got stuck on the snowmen. So I put it down and didn't finish it until... ta dum, drum roll please ... this fall. I love this pattern and it turned out pretty good. I'm pretty happy with it. The problem is that I don't know where to put it. I think it will be seasonal through at least January.