It is the second day of my vacation. My big outings planned for today include Panera, where I am currently sitting writing this and the library, along with some boring errand-type stops. I planned yesterday to bring my computer to Panera and enjoy some time blogging amongst the rest of humanity and enjoy my 'everything' bagel and hot Earl Gray tea. It seems so cozy to sit among the chatter around me with my tea and just have nowhere else I have to be. Guess what ....It is pretty cozy. It gets me out of the house and allows me to carry my blog with me... Anyhow, I get up to the counter at Panera to order my 'regular' order of an everything bagel with low fat cream cheese, sliced and toasted, and hot tea. When the girl brings my order, she has an extra half a bagel on the tray. She says that she dropped half of the one she was doing, which she threw away and started a new one; but gave me the extra half that she didn't drop. I told her I probably shouldn't eat it, but probably would anyhow. Must be my lucky day!!
Next exciting thing... I don't know why I have been hesitating to put this on my blog, but I have; and I am really pretty excited about it. Leon bought a keyboard (that would be a musical piano-type keyboard). He bought this for himself, but I plan to take full advantage of it. I guess the reason I am hesitant is that I am a little embarrassed when we spend money. Granted, he got it on sale and we are beginning to rebuild our lives after the closing and general mess of the business, but there is a part of me that is really sort of guilty feeling about spending money. It really was not all that expensive (less than $100), but here I am carrying on about it. I don't know where it comes from; and as much as I feel guilty, Leon is the opposite extreme and feels no guilt. Which is worse, maybe both. Okay, enough of that !! The fact of the matter is that I absolutely love it and plan to really practice. My little bit of piano playing came back pretty quickly, although I will never be as good as my sister. Talk about talent, if you have never heard her play, you will get an opportunity at the wedding. She really is so very good!! But as I sat down, I became aware of a more mature understanding of the music and how easily it all goes together. I used to be in awe of my sisters ability to play by ear and I still am, but understand it a little more and can somewhat do a bit of it myself. I am looking forward to getting into it. It probably would have been a smarter choice for me than the violin. I will view it as therapy... how's that for a rationalization!?!?
The other thing I wanted to talk about was writing. I have been doing this blog for about 8 months now. I also do some business analytical writing at work. I really would love to write something of my very own, but still am very unsure about it. I feel unable to do fiction, because I think my creativity is limited. Maybe it is just a matter of getting started, I don't know. I considered a life story (boy, would that be something, right Sandi?). But I really think I would be best at documentary writing where I have a subject to write about. The only problem with that, is who writes documentaries for fun? Seems more like a job than a hobby. It is something that I want to explore over the next year or so. Boy, do vacations get the creative juices going? Just think how creative we would all be if we didn't have to work for a living. My manager has offered to mentor me to see how I want to finish out my working life. I may actually take her up on it. She has great insight into finding your passion. I guess I need to tap into that.
Panera is getting busy, so I am going to wrap it up for today. I may do the same thing tomorrow. I have a gift card at Starbucks, so may do it there. I have enjoyed this much more than blogging at home.. it may be a new habit. Off to the library ....bye!!!
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