Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Wenesday at the hospital

Well, it is Wednesday. I am at the hospital and mother is staying pretty stable. Temperature, blood pressure and pulse are normal. She does not appear to be any worse than yesterday, although she is sleeping a ton. Not may complaints today, mainly because she is sleeping. The doctor has not yet been in. Lissy and I got up at 6:00 this morning to be here by 8:00. The nurse last night said that he usually did his rounds between 8 and 9. It is now 12:30 p.m. and I am still waiting. Lissy just went to lunch with her aunt. She is just about going stir crazy, being confined in this hospital room. She really wanted to go to Hacienda. I wanted to add a picture, but didn't want to compromise her dignity, so this picture is small and is not looking directly at her.

It feels very good to take care of her. Her life has been so tragic and so unfair. Although I was emotionally unable to maintain any kind of contact for most of our lives, I feel very tender toward her now and have for 2-3 years. I feel badly that she was unable to live the normal life that we all take for granted; that she was unable to mother her children. I think she would have been a great lady.

I missed posting on St. Patricks day. I wanted to share our dinner of corned beef, cabbage, red potatoes and Irish soda bread. I was so proud of my soda bread and am so disappointed that I didn't take a picture to post. So I will just have to describe it. It was cool looking and really good. It was the first time I ever made it and it had raisins in it. The top had a big X on it and it was like a round loaf of bread, sort of primitive looking.

I hope to be home for Easter, although I think it will be just Leon and I. But that's okay, we need the time.

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