Leon and I attended the funeral of 'our' cousin, Carlene yesterday. I say "our cousin", because the cousins in this family do not designate between yours and mine, or his spouse or her spouse. It is a very accepting family and I am blessed to have them. The family originally consisted of six siblings, from which the cousins all came, as baby boomers, born in the forties and fifties.
Anyhow, Carlene has been fighting cancer for the past 2 or 3 years and the past two to three months, she had opted to forgo any additional medical intervention, other than routine medical care. As we all prayed for her, she journeyed into this process of death with a spirit that I have never seen before. All of the family went to see her in her home as she approached the end of her life here on earth. She was so happy to see everyone and just laughed and enjoyed the company of those that she loved and that loved her. Her husband said at the funeral, " she died like she lived, with grace, love and class". Her daughters were with her when she passed and will carry on that grace, I have no doubt. I see her, in them.
I haven't been to an awful lot of funerals, but I have taken something away from every single one. This one gave me a desire to be there for others. Carlene was always there for all of us. She was just quietly there, no pomp or circumstance, just there. I remember that she was there for my own father's funeral, and she barely even knew him. But she was there for me and Leon. I can't possibly live up to that, but I sure will do better, for having known her.
On the way home from the funeral, Leon and I saw a beautiful bit of nature and a promise; and I couldn't help but think of Carlene.

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