First of all, I need to pat myself on the back for a minute. I changed the background all by myself with just one phone call to Lissy to confirm something that I already knew.. I really do love black and white and thought this one was nice for a change. What do you think? Well it is a three day weekend for both Leon and I and we are taking it easy. He is playing his WII Indiana Jones game and I, of course, am surfing the net and catching up on my posting. It is cold cold cold here, although it is better today. I have often said that I could live in Alaska and I still maintain that is true, because it was surely colder here than in Anchorage yesterday. I actually am a bit of a weather bug and do keep track of the Anchorage temperatures.
This is the one time of year when I get an urge to do a jigsaw puzzle. I do one about once a year and it is almost always in January. Christmas hustle bustle is over and I just feel like staying in and being cozy, so that is when I feel like doing a puzzle. My sister and I used to do puzzles in the winter time and I think that is where I picked up the bug for it. So I picked up two puzzles a couple of weeks ago and started on one of them. It is a puzzle of a Rockwell print and I just think the Rockwell paintings are so homey anyhow. Middle America and all that, so I tried that one first. I started it about two weeks ago and it is not together yet, although some of it is pretty complete. Now, mind you, I have done a puzzle or two in my life, but this one is a bugger, excuse the crass language. Believe me, Sandi will attest to our puzzle skills. I have had whole sections together and everything looked perfect, from the way the picture looks to the puzzle pieces fitting together and had to tear it all apart and re-do it. It is still not right because one side is longer than the other and I can't imagine where the problem is. So the end of the story is --- this is not fun anymore and I am going to tear it apart. There is a certain amount of pride that I have to swallow to do it, but life is too darn short to agonize over a darn puzzle. Plus I have another one that I am going to start, and it is a different brand altogether, so it is bound to be better. I cannot imagine that I have lost my touch and by the way " I think there is a piece missing" --- Sound familiar, Sandi????

So I will leave you with the extent of what I got accomplished. Between Max (that's my cat) thinking he was helping me do the puzzle and the inferior workmanship of the producer, I just didn't have a chance. Okay maybe I had a chance, just not the will.

you have way more patience than I do!
I like the background! I love that we found that website... it makes it easy and fun to change the background for a change of pace.
Oh you brought back such fun memories! Somehow, doing puzzles has never been the same for me without you! - your sis
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