Sunday, December 7, 2008

Quiche - with my new mixer

My new mixer!!!

I had a taste for quiche last weekend and decided to break out my new birthday mixer that I got from Matt, Carrie and Abby and just go ahead and make some up. Now my birthday is actually today, but they gave me my gift when I was there for Thanksgiving.

The mixer that I had was a joke to them and probably to anyone else who saw it, but it worked and in the -recycle it instead of buying new- green environment that is so prevalent and popular today, my mixer was quite the trendy mixer. At least it took a long time to get it to a landfill. Please allow me a bit of license to ramble a bit while I describe it. It was a 34 year old burst of power Sunbeam portable mixer. The color was a beautiful gold. The slide switch that you use to change the speeds had fallen off many years ago and I just used the metal "sticky out thing" that the plastic switch had fallen off of. It worked just fine. Somewhere throughout the years, the cord got lost as well. It was a cord with one end that plugged into the mixer and the other end plugged into the outlet. Somehow, I ended up with two cords that I could use on it, one was for the electric knife and I really don't know where the other one came from. The problem was that neither cord really fit quite right, so I either had to hold the cord into the mixer while I held the mixer with the other hand; or I had to plug it back into the mixer every three seconds. That part really was a pain!!!!! Anyhow, that mixer made a lot of cookies, beat a lot of potatoes, and other various items. It was a part of our family and the kids will always remember 'Moms mixer' and laugh. That alone is worth it. It is now a part of our family history, slight though it may be. A little thing, but kind of fun to think about it and you gotta give me credit for 'being green'.

So the first thing that I used my new mixer on was a spinach quiche. At Lyndsay's shower, they had a spinach dish that was so good, so I looked for a recipe and made a quiche. It was UmmmUmmm Good!! And really easy, which certainly helps with the 'intimidation' factor. I will include the recipe, although I just found it on the foodnetwork website.

Here it is:
4 eggs
1 C half and half
1/2 C Mayonnaise
2 T Flour
Mix in a medium mixing bowl

1/3 C minced onions
Salt and garlic powder to taste
8 oz. of swiss or cheddar cheese (I used cheddar)
1 pkg frozen spinach (I thawed, drained and squeezed the liquid out - but the recipe didn't say you had to)

Pour into a prepared pie shell (I cheated and bought one). Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes to 1 hr. (mine took a full hour).

Ready for the oven!!!!!

The final product-- Yumm!!

1 comment:

Carrie said...

The part about the old mixer is hilarious. I was laughing while I tried to read it to Matt. I'm glad you like your new mixer, despite the fact that it doesn't have a "sticky out" part. Happy Birthday!!!