Friday, November 21, 2008

Getting crafty

Well, I have not posted for a while for several reasons. I have been swamped at work and when I get home I just want to veg out. Then I caught Leon's cold and have not felt well for several days. But I have kept going and now it's the weekend. I am working on some crafts and wanted to share them. I am hoping to maybe be able to share them in our little open house at work. It started last year and we are doing it again, so I thought I'd join in and make something to sell. So, at the moment I am making little purses, hair yoyo's and yoyo ornaments. The theme here clearly is yoyos since the little purses sometimes have yoyos on them as well, as you can see by the picture. I have a long way to go, but have nothing to lose since I am using all material and embellishments that I already have. I am including a photo of the little purse. I came up with the strap idea from another blog where the gal was making bandana bracelets. Go to July 30 on the link. Thinking that the sort of grunge, rustic look might appeal to teenagers and young adults, I decided to give it a go. What do you think?

1 comment:

Everything Lissy said...

I think they are adorable!!!!!! you could sell on