Okay, everyone, Strike a Pose

My weekend was filled with fun, starting with Thanksgiving dinner with family and friends, to a movie with Abby to Texas hold 'em (where I lost it all) to a bridal shower for our cousin and family members that I really love. But now I am home, and despite all the family, warm fuzzies and fun, it is where I am glad to be. There is no place like home! But I would love to share some of my weekend with you. I think I will split up the posts, just so that the titles are relevant.
I have to share the shower for those of you there and those of you who couldn't make it. Most women have played the tissue paper bridal gown game at a shower, and this one was no exception. Darling Taya ( I want to say little, even though she is now a gorgeous young woman), put together a really fun shower with great games, great food and great people. We had five teams putting together the bridal gowns and although I thought my own daughter looked terrific, my team with the Ellie as the bride outshone them all. We went for the ruching (very trendy these days), constructed a bustle and did a grecian thing with the ribbon. Very cool, I do think!!
In order, from left to right, they are Ellie, Melissa, April, Not sure of name (Lyndsays friend) and Craig's mom (can't remember name)
Of course, when Lyndsay picked the winner, she stepped forward and you can see the result.
They just don't make them like they used to!!!

Now for the Bride to be -- whose big day is coming up very soon. Here she is!!! She got lots of cool stuff and is ready to start making cookies. Sounds like Craig is quite the chef as well, a man of great qualities, in my opinion. Personally, my girls and myself have similar tastes (or requirements) in our men. You gotta have a man that cooks, right, girls!!!
Lyndsay, I just thought you looked so beautiful yesterday. Here you are with your ribbon bouquet (designed by April).

But I really liked this picture of you, as well!

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