I am so blown away by the talent and creativity of people that I would have never known about, except for the advent of the internet. I found one of those people in the Etsy site and had to share. She does pencil pins and pendants and they are just so cool and so unique. Wouldn't they be a great gift for an accountant or an artist? She currently has 20 items for sale. I chose the red white and blue to show you, because of the upcoming election and the other one just because I like it. Sometime, when you have a chance to just peruse the Etsy site, you should do that. Some of these people just put my feeble attempts at creativity to shame. I wish I had their talent!!!!
Ack! These are SO creative! I'm going to check out her site more extensively.
Thank you for your thoughtfulness toward me.
Also! I forgot to answer your question ... I do only have the one blog. I used to have a couple of others but they were private and I just used them to figure out how to experiment with html code.
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