Monday, June 30, 2008
Hydrangea Heaven and Happy Anniversary!!!
Sunday, June 29, 2008
A 3 year old princess
It was a wonderful day and I am sure that Abby will sleep well tonight and so will Grandma and Papaw. By the way, I am sure that Abby loved all of her presents and she did get many... volleyball.... Aqua doodle... Baby doll .... Adorable dresses ...... Bubble gun.. animal hospital toy.... and baby stroller. What a lucky girl. I can't imagine which one she might like best. Hey it's my blog!!!!
I am off all week on vacation and intend to just take it easy. I also hope to do a post a day. See you tomorrow!!! Oh yeah, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY ABBY - I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!
Saturday, June 21, 2008
A day off with friends and quilts.
Love this one!! the word that comes to mind is coquettish!!
This one was really cool, and what is neat is what you can't see in a picture. All kinds of little embellishments throughout the quilt. Shells, fish, little tanning oil bottles. I have a close up I will show you next. Here it comes!!
Okay, I tried to get their faces, but 'somebody' wouldn't cooperate. Got ya, anyhow! Surprise!!
You gotta love those crazy quilts. Got close-ups, but am saving for another post!
Okay, I saved the best for last. This one absolutely enchanted Katie and Peggy. I think they might make me one for my birthday!?! Anyhow, the inside is filled with winter snow scenes that are embroidered in and I did get shots of them, but am saving them for another post. Maybe tomorrow!
Most exciting experience at the quilt show:
We found a similar vendor to the one where we bought our 'crystal setters' last year. The story is that both Katie and I bought these devices that were supposed to adhere little crystals to fabric to make cute bling-y tee shirts and jeans. The problem is that we both had issues getting it to work, so it was a bit of a waste of money. Well, Katie was intent on finding that vendor and finding out what was wrong with our setters. The vendor we found gave us a couple of tips to make it work better and although I have not tried mine yet, Katie has succeeded in making 2 teeshirts. You go, girl!!! Today I will try again and post a picture!
Yesterday afternoon, I got a call from Lissy that she was having some abdominal pain and was going to the doctor. Long story short - doctor thought it was appendicitis and sent her to the ER. They decided to do a CT scan and I arrived after work, just as they were taking her in. After waiting, a surgeon came in and said that the CT was inconclusive and that they wanted to keep her overnight just to be sure. They actually had the gall to take her pain medicine away so that they could assess the pain level. (just kidding about the 'gall' part). Anyhow, the pain had subsided and she was released this morning with no real diagnosis. A possible explanation was a burst cyst on her ovary, which would be painful and the pain would subside as her body absorbed the cyst fluid (kind of like a pimple or blister, I guess -- only worse). Anyhow, everything is fine and she is home again. Kind of 'sucky' Friday night for her and Chad! - But he was there for her!!
This morning Leon took me downtown to see where he worked and we had breakfast at Rise 'n'Dine in downtown Columbus. He works in a pretty plush law office and it is located in the arena district, which is really cool. Lots of neat landscaping and walkways. Now I can imagine him at work. The highlight of this job for him is that his area has windows. Pretty nice!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Happy Father's Day
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Katy-did is in the pink
Well, it has been a few days since I posted, and I have a couple of pictures to show, so here I go. First of all, I rode to the porch party with Diana and Katie, having left my car at Katie's house. Upon our return, I went in to see how she displays her special embroidered linens. Everything that Katie does is just so neat. She has such a flair for displaying the things that she loves. When you walk into Katie's home, you know her, and what is important to her. Now, before I show you the pictures, you must know that Katie loves pink!!!!. Her beautiful linen pieces are displayed in her bedroom. I wish I had gotten close-ups of the pieces, but I'll be back, girlfriend!
I actually have two pieces that I want to display - one is the pillowcase shown in an earlier post and also a dresser scarf, both embroidered by my mother. I will be sure and get a picture when I get this done. I will either have to wait on Leon to make me the rack or figure out how to do it myself. This will be interesting to see how we proceed. My color is blue, so that will be my focus.
Next picture is of a plant that hangs in our bathroom. Several times a year it blooms and the flowers are absolutely stunning. The absolutely neatest thing is that the blooms consist of little tiny flower-ettes and they form an abolutely perfect little ball. I am amazed everytime it blooms. I don't know if you can truly see it in the picture, but I tried to capture the roundness of the bloom. For obvious reasons, these pictures are dedicated to my friend, Katie. I never dedicated pictures before, but hey it's my blog, so I can do what I want.