Friday, May 23, 2008

Memorial Day weekend

Well, it is Memorial Day weekend and I am going to work on totally enjoying myself, getting a few things done, some reading, some crochet, maybe a movie, cook out. The loss of loved ones will certainly be in my thoughts this weekend, but not in a sad way. I will simply take some time to think of them and to hold them in my heart. From the recent death of our friend and pet, Molly, to the strength of my father who left us over 20 years ago and finally the merciful deaths of my mother and my brother. I will also think of Leon's mother and his Aunt Ruth and Uncle Jim. The girls have lost all of their grandparents, and I will think of their Grandma and Grandpa B. Last but not least, I will remember the men and women who have died for their country and would urge all of you to just stop for a minute and remember them. No politics, no opinions, just prayers and good thoughts for them.
Okay I need to move on.

I found a neat little shell box when I was going through my mothers things. It is just the sweetest little thing and I really love it. I don't know where it came from, who gave it to her or even whether she liked it, but I just love it. I was reminded when I was talking to my sister about it, that I have always been a bit enchanted by neat little boxes. I have never really collected them and don't really want to start collecting now, but when they fall into my lap, I have to be happy. Anyhow, I set up a "photo shoot" so that I could share it with you all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey sister - had not read your blog for a while so caught up today - I love reading your blog and it inspires me to look at the world around me a little more closely!! When you talked with me on the phone about the shell box, i didn't connect but it is one I gave Mother for some occasion - i think i put earrings in it - at any rate - it was fun to see something i had forgotten about and i'm glad you have it and like it! lots of love - your sis