Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Wow, it has been a long time since I posted. Or at least it feels like it. One of the blogs that I visit on a regular basis has a "a post a day in May" challenge going, but I knew that would be a bust if I tried it.
Anyhow what is happening in my life? Well ... Leon and I had our 26th wedding anniversary last week. Who would have thought with all that has happened, but truly there is a part of me that is proud of the fact that we stuck with it and came through everything, maybe even stronger. We're still working on that.
With that said, I have learned that I really need to just take care of me and sometimes that is hard to do, but I am determined and in the long run, it is better for both me and my marriage.

Okay, enough of that ...I came home on our anniversary to a lovely dinner prepared by Leon. The first course was a beautiful salad and a shrimp cocktail which I snapped a picture of for you all to drool over. It was soooo good. But oh no, that was not all! He followed up with an entree of grilled steak, baked sweet potatoes, brocc and biscuits. Ummmm Ummmm Good!!! How wonderful, you say? Still not over!!! Strawberries over angel food cake was the crowning touch. Oh and I almost forgot, candlelight too!! He really did do a nice job. Thanks Leon!!

I have been off for a couple of days and trying to get some crocheting done. I am working on a pig for Abby and am getting pretty close. I will give you a peek of his (or her) face, but the rest will be shown when he (or she) is complete. I went to a new yarn shop yesterday and there were some beautiful yarns. I can't help but think of the Debbie Macomber Blossom Street series. It is a series of several books about knitting classes held at a yarn shop on Blossom Street and how the knitting students came together and became friends, though their personalities were very different and were from very different backgrounds. I think there are 4 books in the series and I have only read two, but I also thought I saw a new one the other day at the store. Anyhow give it a try. It's a little shop like I would love to own, with friends and others meeting there and sharing their lives.

Leon has started his new job and so far, so good. He seems to like, it but that was only after one day.

One of the things that I wanted to do on one of my days off was to take my camera out and take some outdoor pictures. I did not get around it, but Memorial day is coming up and I may get to it this next weekend. I am just so amazed at how surroundings become beautiful when you take the time to notice them or to imagine how they would be in a photograph. I think a prime example is the landscaping and beauty surrounding my work place. I go in and out of that property nearly every day and I almost always notice something new and beautiful. The ponds are full of wildlife. There is a blue heron there that absolutely thrills me. There is a beaver lodge (I think, anyhow) and the landscaping around the ponds is amazing. I regularly see geese coming in for a landing on the ponds in groups of 3 or 4 at a time. I realize that it took a lot of money to make it that way, but when I drive through I try to imagine that it looks like the ponds and wildlife in the country areas in the rural parts of our country. The water lilies will be up soon and I can hardly wait. Every year I say that I am going to get a picture of them and I never seem to get it done. This year I am vowing to do it. I think we all need to see the beauty in the things around us. We get so used to our routine, that we forget to re-focus and see the real beauty around us. I challenge you all to do that.

Update on "The Life of Pi". Disappointingly I did not get it finished before I had to take it back to the library. It was on the reserve list, so I couldn't renew it. I will get it again and finish it. I will have to wait out the reserve list again.

1 comment:

Everything Lissy said...

cute pig! in other thoughts...I found some greatly designed blogs I thought you would be interested in. Content was necessarily your niche though...I don't think. Love ya!