Happy Mothers day to all of the mothers that I know!! We are awesome, right! Moms rule - because no matter how many mistakes we make, no matter how many times we say or do the wrong thing. No matter how many times we forget to put a sweater on them or punish them for something their sibling did or make them wait too long for us to pick them up. No matter how many times we embarrass them when they are teenagers or won't buy them the latest technological advances or new shoes. No matter how many mistakes we make...... They will grow up anyhow.
Then they grow up, get married, have children and you get a whole new chance to love a child. It is truly wonderful!! That is when you are a GRANDmother.
I haven't posted for a couple of weeks. I have been busy!! Last weekend, I took Friday off and made a 3 points trip due to the price of gas. Turning two trips into one I drove to Elkhart to pick up my mothers things. I was hoping for some clothes to make momentos out of, but really nothing was there. I think the nursing home must have taken the initiative in moving clothes amount patients, which would be something I consider unethical. Clothes that I know she had that were not there and only 'housedresses' and sweaters were there. I think that since she was bedridden, her clothes were taken. But I will go ahead and do what I planned to do with what I have. Another thing that I noticed after I got everything home and had gone through it, was that her baby doll was missing. In the last months of her life, my sister had gotten her a baby doll, as many of the older less coherent women had. It was not in her things. It was a disappointment.
From Elkhart I drove to Indianapolis to take care of Abby while Carrie and Matt had some adult fun with another couple. We had a great time. The neighborhood had garage sales while I was there, so Abby and I headed out to go garage saleing. You can never start too soon! I found a few things, Abby found a few things and I found a little bicycle for $2. Such a deal!! and in perfect shape too. We had lunch at McDonalds, we played playdough, we played outside, we went out for ice cream and we just had a great time. 
I took the turtle I made to give to Abby, after decorating him just a bit. I think he looks very cute this way, plus I stuffed him just a bit more. Now I am working on a pig. My bear is almost done, one more leg to go. I am absolutely loving this animal crocheting stuff. I can't seem to get enough time to do as much as I want, but that's the way hobbies, go I guess.
From Indianapolis, I drove home where I was surprised with a new wedding ring from Leon. I lost my wedding band in December and lately have been missing having one. So, admittedly, I have been bugging a bit, but I just wanted a temporary ring, until I could get a nicer one. I was checking out diamoniques on GVC and other less expensive jewelry. But Leon held out and got me this one with real diamonds and good gold. It is wonderful and I am very happy. Thank you Leon!!
This weekend my family was together for Mothers Day, having family time together, going to church together. There were two mothers in the house and both were appropriately spoiled. Thank you Carrie, Matt, Abby, Melissa and Chad for the gift card. I will be putting it to good use. I love you all. The house is quiet now, but the echoes of family are still here and I cherish them.
1 comment:
I decided to call the nursing home about the missing stuff...they will get back with me.
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