I was feeling a bit under the weather this afternoon, nothing serious, just a little headache. But my point is that even not feeling good can have its pleasures. I decided to go out and sit out on the steps for some fresh air. The front of the house is cooler in the evening, because the sun sets behind the house. I took a book with me, thinking that I might read a bit. Well, if you get headaches, you know that reading and headaches just don't go together, so I just sat on the step and enjoyed the peace. Right beside the steps and along the short little walk, we have lavendar growing and it really is quite beautiful. The fragrance is wonderful and when it gets stepped on or driven over, it really wafts into the air. Lavendar attracts bees and I noticed that there were probably around 15 bees buzzing around the lavendar. It occurred to me that, being so close, I may be able to get pictures of them. So into the house I went for my camera. I got some shots, but those little stinkers move fast and my camera takes forever to process a shot (3 seconds). They really are amazing little creatures and I wanted to share my shots with you.

I love your spontaneity that even with a headache - you can (1) jump up (2) run inside and get your camera (3) focus it on something so small and flighty as a bee and (4) end up with great pics!
you're the best!
the above is from your sis - i didn't mean to be anonymous!
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