I have been wanting to see the movie Julie, Julia and we finally got an opportunity to go on Saturday afternoon. It was absolutely delightful - just a feel good movie. It was about a young lady, Julie, who blogs her way through the Julia Child cookbook. But in addition, it showed the story of Julia Child herself. I was absolutely enchanted by her and what a cool lady she was. And her husband, the love of her life, was such a strong force in her life and cheered her on to her success. Kudos to Meryl Streep!!
And I absolutely loved Julie, played by Amy Adams. She was fresh and funny and made me want to blog through the very same cookbook. I give this movie four stars of five.

Speaking of blogging; as I was thinking of this blog and what I wanted to say, I thought it might be fun to think of books that I might like to "blog my way through" and what sorts of books might that entail? Suppose, I were to blog my way through the phone book - Oh the people I could talk to. How about books of hairstyles, fashion, diets (I think I did that!?!?), and how-to books. I could blog through the pattern books at the fabric store, the seed catalogs and the road atlas. I am reminded of the old saying - the places I would go and the things I would do. What books would you like to blog your way through. Let me know and I will post it. Who will be the first to say the Joy of Sex (guess I just did!)
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