I just got back from Carrie's where I have been helping out while she recovers from knee surgery. She had surgery Tuesday morning, after I rolled in Monday night to take care of the little ones. I might mention that I left a daughter 9 months pregnant and hoping that she would make it until I got back. Luckily she did and the waiting game goes on.
Carrie, in the meantime, has had her surgery and is doing fine and I had a very busy and fun week helping to take care of Abby and Lily. I thought I might do a blog in the 10 hours a day format using pictures from all of the days that I was there.
As I mentioned I arrived Monday night and was given a most wonderful suite. It had beautiful gowns to wear, my own kitchen and lots of things to keep me busy. Sometimes it was the place to be for certain young ladies. I slept like a dream.

Tuesday morning I was up and at 'em with the girls while Carrie was at the hospital having her surgery. Pack Abby's lunch, get breakfast and then talk for a minute while they eat.

Thank goodness for frozen waffles.
Also thank goodness for already made PB & J sandwiches - pre-cut apples and caramel, already cut cheese sticks and packaged flavored water.

Now it is off to the bus stop and of course Lily is raring to go. I think she is forgetting something. But luckily Grandma remembered.

The bus stop is only a block away and we only had one day of rain when Lily couldn't go. She was not a happy camper.

It is back home for Lily and I and we chilled for a while, cleaned up and then it was off to Gymboree (on Tuesday only). Mommy came home in the meantime and we got her all settled and Matt and I started the icing (1/2 hour on, 1 hour off for days, except at nighttime).
Gymboree is a play skills active play center that Lily goes to once a week. Here she is practicing her skills. The lovely lady is Miss Wendy and she leads the class.

We went out for lunch (McDonalds, of course (it's all about the happy meal)). Then home we head for naptime.
Grandma too!

After school, of course, even in kindergarten there is homework. So I helped Abby with her homework. She is just so smart!!! I think she surely must be the smartest one in her class, says Grandma!!