Well I have now experienced finding a geocache. We went to Indianapolis last weekend and one of the things we did was look for two geocaches. Now for those of you not in the know, geocaching is looking for a "treasure" using a latitude longitude style GPS. Click on the link in the first sentence and you can get an idea of what it is like. It is quite a trend. If you check out the internet, you can find thousands and thousands of locations, all over the USA and the world. Another idea to see what it is - if you have a flickr account - search Geocache and Geocaching for pictures of people searching and what they found.
Anyhow, we looked up two in the Indianapolis area and took off on our adventure. The first one was in a very very old cemetery. Using our GPS compass, we made our way to a tree, where we thought that the geocache would be. After circling the tree and picking up rocks, there it was! A pill bottle. Excitedly we opened it. Not too exciting - two pennies and the log. Each geocache has a log for finders to sign. We signed our first names, where we were from and moved on to the second one.
The second one was near Carrie and Matt's subdivision. We parked and walked in the direction that the GPS pointed. There was a fence and several trees. I was convinced that it would be in the fence somewhere, but everytime I went toward the fence, the GPS indicated I was getting further away. It was a little like the old game we played as children. You're getting warmer, oops getting colder, okay getting warmer again, getting hot... aha there it is under the fir tree!!
This one had several fun little toy type things in it along with the log. Abby took a little ball and we left a dollar. We signed the log and completed our wild adventure. I liked it. I might do it again sometime.
Why, it was so exciting that I actually had a geocaching injury!!!
My version - I was rip cording across a ravine and plunged into the ravine
Everyone elses version - I feel off some playground equipment at a nearby playground
You decide... I like my version better. My knee still hurts!!!
How's the knee?
I'm glad you liked geocaching!
you like your version better, but I have flash backs to you coming down a curly slide.
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